The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and its team of experienced researchers, with the assistance of the Medical Board of California (MBC), is seeking information regarding physician practices in California. Your responses to these questions are critical in forming public policy. Your participation in this endeavor is voluntary and the information will be treated confidentially and will not affect the timing or any other aspect of your license renewal. The supplied information will be analyzed by the research team at UCSF and the findings will be presented only in aggregate. No personal or identifying information will be shared with payers or other parties, and a specified protocol will be followed to safeguard the information you provide. The UCSF research team may contact your office to confirm some of the information you supplied.
The study questions have been reviewed and approved by the MBC and UCSF’s Committee on Human Research.
Please Note: If you do not practice or see patients in the State of California, you need not proceed with this survey.
Please authenticate yourself by entering your license number and the last four digits of your Social Security Number below: